
The Benefits of Adding More Fibre and Fermented Foods to Your Meals

Benefits of Adding More Fibre

Fermentation is a centuries-old technique of food and beverage preservation that predates refrigeration by a long way. Organic substances like sugars and starch are fermented by microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast, or fungi to produce alcohol or acids. These give fermented foods a unique, strong, salty, and somewhat sour flavour while improving their texture and taste. They also serve as natural preservatives. In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of adding more fibre and fermented foods to your meals.

Fermentation can occur in two basic ways: spontaneously, when the food or environment naturally contains microorganisms that start the fermentation process, or by adding a “starter culture.” Making kimchi or sauerkraut is an example of spontaneous fermentation, whereas making kefir or natto requires the use of a starting culture.

Benefits of Adding More Fibre

“I think most people associate fibre solely with how it helps your gut or prevents constipation,” Beaver says. “It does play important roles in your GI health, but the benefits of fibre extend well beyond that.”

Here are 5 benefits of adding fibre:

Promotes a healthy, diversified gut microbiome

Beaver says, “Fibre isn’t digested in our stomach as other foods.” “It simply passes through it and into our colon, where it becomes food for the beneficial microbes in our gut.”

Eating a wide range of fibre sources indicates that you’re providing a sufficient amount of nourishment for the beneficial bacteria in your stomach to grow and thrive.

Supports frequent bowel movements

Likely, you don’t give your bowel movements much thought unless anything goes wrong. Constipation or diarrhoea are happening too infrequently or too regularly.

Fibre can aid in the prevention of these two painful conditions- Benefits of Adding More Fibre.

There are several forms of fibre, such as soluble, insoluble, and viscous fibre, and each can contribute to the regularity and health of your stools.

Extends the Feeling of Fullness

Fibre takes longer to digest than other nutrients, so it has great filling power.

The ability of fibre to keep you feeling full between meals and snacks is a major advantage. Even though it might not result in weight loss, this could reduce the tendency to overeat.

Read Plant-Based Nutrition for Weight Management: Strategies for Daily Success in 2023.

Maintains Cholesterol Level : Benefits of Adding More Fibre

Viscous fibre has a binding property that may help hold cholesterol and excess bile in our GI tracts, where our body removes them during bowel movements.

This special quality can support heart health by assisting in the maintenance of ideal cholesterol levels.

Some kinds of soluble fibre can also help reduce levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, which can build up in blood vessels and cause atherosclerosis, which narrows and hardens the arteries, affecting blood flow.

Lower risk of several illnesses : Benefits of Adding More Fibre

Achieving the daily recommended fibre quantity has been shown to aid in various aspects of disease prevention.

Consuming adequate fibre can lower the chance of:

Heart diseases, diabetes type 2, and colorectal cancer

4 Reasons to Add More Fermented Foods to Your Meals

Your intestines are home to trillions of germs, so don’t be alarmed! Numerous of them are “good” microorganisms that support our well-being.

Imagine if you had pets inside of you. You also need to feed them, just as with any other pet. A modern Western diet high in processed foods can alter the equilibrium of your gut microbiota, which can cause unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms.

Foods with fermentation can be beneficial. We provide several justifications for why it’s beneficial for your health to include more traditional fermented foods in your diet, such as pickles or sauerkraut.

Food cannot be digested by itself.

Beneficial bacteria assist in the digestion of complex carbohydrates in food. Other compounds come from this fermentation and metabolising process that are also good for your health.

The human body needs a lot of soluble fibre from foods like oranges, beans, and oats to have diverse gut bacteria. Many whole grains have insoluble fibre, which is beneficial but doesn’t truly add to the diversity of your gut flora because it ferments slowly.

Read 8 Tips for Healthy Living: Nutrition Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle.

Good bacteria battle bad bacteria.

You ingest pathogenic microorganisms daily. However, because your small microscopic helpers take care of it, you don’t always become sick from it. The pH of your intestine is lowered by the acidic fermentation products produced by good bacteria, which reduces the likelihood that harmful bacteria will thrive. 

A balanced physique is necessary for health.

Your entire body is affected by tiny germs in your intestines. According to research, a less varied gut microbiota is linked to several chronic illnesses, including obesity, asthma, and inflammatory disorders that cause chronic pain, such as inflammatory bowel disease. 

Read The Role of Nutrition in Mental Health and Wellbeing.

After antibiotics, Restore the health of your digestive system.

Have you ever taken antibiotics and then experienced diarrhoea or other stomach issues? This is because they eliminate both beneficial and harmful microorganisms. Eating fermented foods could aid in the normalisation of your gut flora. Make sure your diet consists mostly of plant-based meals and fibre.

Some fermented foods: Benefits of Adding More Fibre

These foods are fermented and full of probiotics. Include fermented food in your diet to get a decent dosage of probiotics.

Kombucha: This fermented tea has an element of fizz, making it a decent substitute for soda. You may either brew your own using simply tea, water, sugar, and a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast in 7 to 30 days or find it in the refrigerated department of your grocery store.

Pickles: Selecting a selection from the refrigerated department of the grocery store is your best option. Better still, use brine, peppercorns, mustard and coriander seeds, and dill to make your lacto-fermented pickles.

Sauerkraut: This technically translates to “sour cabbage,” and you may find fresh versions of this classic Eastern European dish in the refrigerated case. Build your artisanal batches instead, if you don’t mind chopping.

Kimchi: A typical Korean fermented side dish known by many names, is made mostly with napa cabbage, radish, scallions, and seasonings. Shop at Asian markets or grocery stores to find your favourite variety, or try different flavours at home.

Yoghurt: Making yoghurt involves combining a starting culture of bacteria with milk to ferment it. Additionally, some commercial kinds have extra probiotic bacteria.


If you’re eating processed food, you should look at the nutrition label. Unwanted symptoms may result from concentrated fibre.

“Many food manufacturers are adding a lot of fibre to their low-carb or no-sugar products, such as bars of protein, shakes, and powders, along with low-carb bread and tortillas,” Beaver says.


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