Business & Finance

How to Make a Money from YouTube: YouTube Profit Calculator

how to make a money from YouTube

A lot of people want to make money on YouTube. After all, YouTubers have a great life and can enjoy the love of their fans. Making a YouTube page is easier than ever, so there’s no reason not to think big and aim high.

This blog will tell you many ways of how to make money from YouTube. Discover how much make YouTube profit youtubers and how to grow your own business on one of the biggest websites in the world. Also, we will discuss about YouTube profit calculator.

Become a partner on YouTube Program (YPP)

People who make movies for YouTube can only make money from them once they join the YouTube Partner Program.

Your YouTube channel will be looked at to see if it can join the Partner Program once it has 1,000 followers and 4,000 public views. In other words, you can make money once you reach these numbers, so keep making videos and growing your channel’s audience. Once you meet the program’s requirements, you can apply to make money from your channel.

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How to Enable YouTube Monetization:

Sign in to the YouTube account from which you want to make money.

In the upper right area, click the icon for your account. Then, click YouTube Studio.

To make money, go to the menu on the left and select Other Features > Monetisation.

Read the rules of the Partner Program and click “I agree.”

You can connect an AdSense account that you already have or make a new one just for your channel.

Set your choices for making money.

After you’ve completed these steps, go back to the dashboard and click on the Analytics tab on the left. Then, go to the next screen and click on Revenue. Then, scroll down until you see the Monthly Estimated Revenue chart. This will show you how much money you can make in a month. 

Promote your channel on YouTube Premium.

YouTube Premium is a paid service that lets people watch videos without ads. When YouTube Premium members watch a creator’s video, they automatically earn an extra income.

Like the rules for making money from ads, most of the money that YouTube Premium makes goes to artists. How much they get depends on how many subscribers watch their videos.

You could think of the advertising money you get from YouTube Premium subscriptions as an extra source of income on top of the money you already make from channel ads.  

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Offer memberships to channels.

When your YouTube channel has over 30,000 users, you can use channel memberships to make more money. Fans can pay $4.99 a month to become members and get access to movies early, live chat with other members only, special emojis, and more. Users will have badges that only other users can see in comments, live chat, and the Community tab.

People know that it can be hard to get the attention of YouTube creators, so it makes sense to offer licences to channels.

Important Note: In your videos, tell people that clicking the “Join” button on your page will make them an exclusive member. 

Affiliate Marketing

Businesses are aware of how valuable YouTube feeds with many subscribers can be and are always looking for ways to use this to grow their own.

People will likely contact you from businesses asking you to promote their goods in exchange for money once you have a large following on the platform. You could become an affiliate for these brands and use their products in your films. You can also join well-known advertising programs to make your network bigger.

Important Note: Only promote things you think your audience will find helpful, and let your viewers know about the relationship. This will help you follow YouTube’s rules.

Make short YouTube videos for make a money from YouTube

YouTube Shorts are a great way to get people interested in your videos and make a money from youTube. People can immediately get interested in these short movies, and they’ll keep coming back. They can be used to sell things, get support, or even make money from ads.

Using an Earnings Calculator

We made an easy earnings calculator to help you figure out how much you can make a money from YouTube. How to use it:

1st: Enter your metrics.

The following information should be put into the calculator:

  • Average Monthly Views: This is the average number of times your channel is watched monthly.
  • Average CPM: The regular CPM rate for the type of content on your site.
  • Ad Click-Through Rate (CTR): The share of people who watch your movies who click on the ads shown.
  • Affiliate Commission Rate: Type in the average commission rate for each sale if you use affiliate marketing.
  • Paid Videos: The usual amount of money you make from each paid movie.

Step 2: Calculate Ad Revenue

To calculate your ad revenue, use the formula: 

Ad Revenue = (Average Monthly Views / 1000) × Average CPM

Step 3: Calculate Affiliate Earnings

If you’re using affiliate marketing, calculate your affiliate earnings with: 

Affiliate Earnings = Average Monthly Views × Affiliate Conversion Rate × Average Sale Value × Affiliate Commission Rate

Step 4: Calculate Total Earnings

Combine your ad revenue, affiliate earnings, and any earnings from channel memberships, Super Chats, and sponsorships to get your monthly earnings.

Total Earnings = Ad Revenue + Affiliate Earnings + Channel Memberships + Super Chats + Sponsorships


Let’s say that 100,000 people watch your show monthly and that the CPM is $2.50 on average. The cost per click (CTR) for your partner marketing is 1%, and each click brings in $0.50. You also get $500 from people who join your channel and $300 from companies that support you.

Ad Revenue Calculation

Ad Revenue = (100,000 / 1000)×2.50 = 100×2.50 = $250

Affiliate Earnings Calculation

If 1% of your viewers click on your affiliate links, and the average sale value is $20 with a 5% commission rate: 

Affiliate Earnings = 100,000×0.01×20×0.05 = 1000×20×0.05 = 20,000×0.05 = $1000

Total Earnings Calculation

Total Earnings = 250+1000+500+300 = $2050

How to Make Maximum Money from YouTube

  • Make the content high-quality
  • Optimise for SEO
  • Get involved with your audience
  • Spread out your sources of income
  • Keep Things the Same

To make a money from YouTube, you need a plan and steady work. By learning about the different ways to make a money from YouTube and using an earnings tool, you can determine your earning potential and make decisions that will help you make the most money possible. Remember that you won’t become famous fast on YouTube, but if you work hard and use the right strategies, you can make money from your hobby.


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